HWC Roasters - 商城

Daiquiri Party (1/2Ib)

Roast level|Medium
Progressing method|Rum barrels, soaked and sun-dried
Flavor|Strawberry wine, Kyoho grape juice, rum, peach, strawberry, passion fruit, grape yogurt, cantaloupe
Suggested price : NT$ 1900
Direct purchase price : NT$ 1900
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Production area|Caldas Province
Manor|San Jose Manor

Roast level|Medium
Progressing method|Rum barrels, soaked and sun-dried
Variety|Castillo Castillo
Flavor|Strawberry wine, Kyoho grape juice, rum, peach, strawberry, passion fruit, grape yogurt, cantaloupe

The dry aroma is strawberry wine and purple Kyoho grape juice. When sipping, the aromas of rum, peach, strawberry, passion fruit, grape juice, grape yogurt, cantaloupe are rich in layers, and the aftertaste is full of lime aroma, which will not be forgotten for a long time!

Coffee bean introduction:
Like the classic Daiquiri, it uses rum as the base to bring out the unrestrained fruit flavor, sweet and sour, delicious and juicy, and strong stamina, just like the unforgettable subtle flavor left after a party orgy .

Manor introduction:
The San Jose Manor has a history of over one hundred years. It has an altitude of more than 1,700 meters and has plenty of sunshine. The annual average temperature is between 21°C and 25°C. The soil is rich in volcanic ash, which is very suitable for planting specialty coffee trees. area! San Jose Manor not only has coffee beans fermented in rum barrels, but also grows rare pink bourbon (a mixture of yellow bourbon and red bourbon), Cadura and other well-known specialty coffee varieties.

Lime barrel processing method:
In addition to the coffee garden, the host of the San Jose Manor is also engaged in the production of lime oak barrels and the brewing of lime wine. The hostess of the manor, Monsalve Botero, suddenly thought when he was accompanying her husband to fill up the distillate and prepare for fermentation. If raw beans are fermented in oak barrels, can they produce different flavors, which leads to the oak barrel processing method!

Using Castillo coffee beans, hand-selected ripe coffee cherries, and after washing or sun-dried, let them ferment for 20 hours, and then put them in rum oak barrels over 8 years old to quiet the beans. Put it in the bucket for three months and roll it once a day to absorb the aroma evenly. During this period, the coffee beans in the barrel will be sampled every 30 days to ensure the degree of fermentation and whether the aroma is fully absorbed, so that when the coffee beans are finished, the characteristics will be more vivid!

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