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Sure enough, COLORFUL LIFE! The final battle of the 109 Taiwan Fruit Creative Hand Beverage Competition
Published date : 2020-11-13

In order to increase the consumption and competitiveness of domestic fruits, the Agriculture and Food Administration of the Executive Yuan's Agriculture Committee organized the "109 Taiwan Fruit Creative Hand Beverage Competition", inviting beverage manufacturers to develop beverages using domestic fruits as raw materials.
A total of 122 beverages participated in this event. After preliminary review, 30 beverages were selected to enter the finals. The first stage of the finals will be processed in early November. Blind taste selection will be conducted in the northern, central and southern business districts. The second stage will be processed on this (13) day. In the finals, drinks were prepared on-site and evaluated by judges from different fields. Three excellent drinks were selected according to the "Fruit and Powerful Group", "Dynamic and Powerful Group", and "Surely Ruthlessly Beautiful Group". The 9 winning drinks will be selected in one week. After the listing, consumers can purchase.

Domestically produced fruits are awesome in all seasons
The Agriculture and Food Administration stated that in order to encourage beverage companies to incorporate Taiwan’s fresh, local, and natural fruits into their hand-shaking drinks, to create diversified fruit products, and to introduce commercial operation models, the department has been running hand-shaking competitions for two consecutive years. Different from the previous summer, this year selected autumn and winter seasonal fruits including dragon fruit, guava, citrus, lemon, banana and papaya as raw materials, allowing the industry to develop creativity and hope that it can also create hand-crank drinks in autumn and winter and increase domestic production. The number of fruit diversified utilization.

由Chachago -「露草芭樂知秋」、初韻 -「紅妃Q木瓜」、黑沃咖啡 -「香蘭紅豆生龍果」獲獎
由日日裝茶 -「虎糖鮮檸柚子茶」、鬍子茶 -「赤心芭樂玉露凍」、拾覺細做 -「龍鳳橙祥」獲獎
由台茶一號 -「洛神檸檬醋」、鮮自然 -「火粒全開」、北回 -「來一口濃郁蕉香」獲獎