HWC Roasters - 新訊

Coffee Academy

November-SCA Barista Junior and Intermediate Certification Course

Published date : 2020-11-10

SCA (Speciality Coffee Association)

Composed of thousands of professionals in professional fields, it is committed to promoting the professional skills and knowledge of international specialty coffee, and helping participants to improve their coffee skills. Their coffee skills are mainly divided into six themes-Introduction to Coffee and green beans. Green Coffee, Sensory Skills, Brewing, Barista Skills, Roasting

And the Barista, as a "scholar of coffee making and cultural transmission", Need to be familiar with the operation of the coffee machine, superb brewing, transfer of knowledge, use of the bar, use professional technology to demonstrate the flavor and message conveyed by coffee beans, and establish a close bridge between coffee and people. .

It can be seen that to become a barista, professional training is necessary. At the end of this month, we have opened the SCA Barista Skills (Barista Skills) course. Applicants will be able to acquire the following professional knowledge:

Introduction to coffee

From the source to a cup of coffee, learn systematically, and understand the professional knowledge of the coffee industry to improve self-ability

  1. The production area road of the bean-hunting division
  2. The journey from seed to cup
  3. The origin of coffee history
  4. Coffee Delivery and Brewing Cultural Revolution
  5. Exploration of coffee quality
  6. The secret to a good coffee
  7. Mastering of basic brewing equipment
  8. Easy to make a good cup of coffee

Barista skills 咖啡師認證 初中級



  1. 認識生豆與處理法
  2. 認識熟豆與排氣
  3. 磨豆機研磨及如何進行微調整
  4. 瞭解磨豆機熱效應
  5. 佈粉的技巧
  6. 濃縮咖啡萃取分析
  7. 牛奶學及拉花
  8. 設備的保養

首席杯測師 林佩霓 Penny Lin


課程費用:$ 30,000/人
早鳥優惠:$ 28,000/人(11/16以前報名成功)

11/20(四) 報名截止
11/25(三) 匯款截止
戶名: 黑沃餐飲股份有限公司
銀行: 台灣企銀 興中分行(050-500)
帳號: 500-12-085548



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